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Press Quotes

News Cameras

Cali, Colombia

Sep, 2020


“Con un timbre potente y una gran capacidad para sonear - se mueve con gran maestría por La Salsa y el Pop.



"With a powerful sound and a great ability to improvise, Aico demonstrates a great mastery of the genres of Salsa and Pop.

Her versatility is very well recognized in the American Latin music scene."



News Cameras

Mexico City, Mexico

Dec, 2020


Aico es una cantagora! Te mando un abrazo desde México y disfrutamos escuchando “Havana”.

Es un buen tema y estilo. Felicidades


"Aico is a magnificent singer! I am sending her affection and hugs from Mexico. We enjoyed listening to “Habana” very much. It is a great song performed with impressive style. Congratulations!"

News Cameras

Tokyo, Japan

Jan, 2021


“Inspired by the traditional rhythms of Cuban music, salsa, timba, reggaeton and J-Pop; Aico’s music resonates vibrantly across all borders and makes its way directly into your heart. Listening to her voice and watching her perform in her video fills us with positive energy and happiness and makes us appreciate life even more.”



J-POP、サルサ、ティンバ、レゲトンそしてキューバの伝統的なリズムから影響を受けてきたA I C Oさんが届けてくれる音楽は、彩り豊かに国境を超え、心に響いてきます。ハバナのミュージックビデオを見て、A I COさんの歌声を聴いていると、とっても元気が出て、生きることの喜びをますます感じられるようです!

Radio Relax 104.5 FM
Salsa Y Montuno

Kamakura World Radio

El Chino Solar Latin Club

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